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Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung (Serpent's Tail Classics) de Lester Bangs,Greil Marcus

Descripción - Críticas Bangs was one of the best writers ever to appear on newsprint ... when he died, American culture lost one its most astute, ornery, funniest and most soulful observers (New York Times)Still a byword for rock writing at its most unrestrained and passionate ... his two posthumous anthologies ... attest to his brilliance (John Harris Guardian 2009-06-27)A superb collection ... wild and funny and unpredictable. Lester Bangs was a great American writer who happened to write about rock 'n' roll (Rolling Stone)A marvellous collection ... it will unquestionably teach you more about rock music and the appreciation thereof than a two-year subscription to all of the current British rock papers and mags (Time Out)A powerhouse in the American music journalism scene ... It's one of the oddest yet most original pieces on music you're ever likely to read ... This is rock criticism in its raw state - it is vulgar, conversational, and abusive towards its subjects ... That a collection of music criticism continues to be republished 28 years after its first appearance - and 44 years after the publication of the earliest essay it contains - is perhaps a better testament to the quality of Bangs' writing than anything else. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to listen to 'Astral Weeks' one more time. (Irish Examiner 2015-01-31) Reseña del editor Until his death aged thirty-three in 1982, Lester Bangs wrote wired, rock 'n' roll pieces on Iggy Pop, The Clash, John Lennon, Kraftwerk, Lou Reed. As a rock critic, he had an eagle-eye for distinguishing the pre-packaged imitation from the real thing; written in a conversational, wisecracking, erotically charged style, his hallucinatory hagiographies and excoriating take-downs reveal an iconoclast unafraid to tell it like it is. To his journalism he brought the talent of a great a renegade Beat poet, and his essays, reviews and scattered notes convey the electric thrill of a music junky indulging the habit of a lifetime. As Greil Marcus writes in his introduction, 'What this book demands from a reader is a willingness to accept that the best writer in America could write almost nothing but record reviews.' Comentario del autor Leslie Conway 'Lester' Bangs was an American music journalist, author, and musician. He wrote for Creem and Rolling Stone magazines and was known for his leading influence in rock music criticism. Nota de la solapa Until his death aged thirty-three in 1982, Lester Bangs wrote wired, rock 'n' roll pieces on Iggy Pop, The Clash, John Lennon, Kraftwerk, Lou Reed. As a rock critic, he had an eagle-eye for distinguishing the pre-packaged imitation from the real thing; written in a conversational, wisecracking, erotically charged style, his hallucinatory hagiographies and excoriating take-downs reveal an iconoclast unafraid to tell it like it is. To his journalism he brought the talent of a great a renegade Beat poet, and his essays, reviews and scattered notes convey the electric thrill of a music junky indulging the habit of a lifetime. As Greil Marcus writes in his introduction, 'What this book demands from a reader is a willingness to accept that the best writer in America could write almost nothing but record reviews.' Contraportada Until his death aged thirty-three in 1982, Lester Bangs wrote wired, rock 'n' roll pieces on Iggy Pop, The Clash, John Lennon, Kraftwerk, Lou Reed. As a rock critic, he had an eagle-eye for distinguishing the pre-packaged imitation from the real thing; written in a conversational, wisecracking, erotically charged style, his hallucinatory hagiographies and excoriating take-downs reveal an iconoclast unafraid to tell it like it is. To his journalism he brought the talent of a great a renegade Beat poet, and his essays, reviews and scattered notes convey the electric thrill of a music junky indulging the habit of a lifetime. As Greil Marcus writes in his introduction, 'What this book demands from a reader is a willingness to accept that the best writer in America could write almost nothing but record reviews.' Biografía del autor Lester Bangs started out as a record reviewer for Rolling Stone, went on to write for and then edit the magazine Creem, before moving to New York and covering the burgeoning punk scene, writing in daily newspapers and the Village Voice. Bangs died suddenly at the age of thirty-three in 1982. A biography of Lester Bangs, Let it Blurt was published in 2001.Greil Marcus is an American author, music journalist and cultural critic. He writes for newspapers and magazines including Rolling Stone and the Village Voice.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung (Serpent's Tail Classics)
  • Autor: Lester Bangs,Greil Marcus
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música
  • Tamaño del archivo: 17 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 456 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Lee un libro Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung (Serpent's Tail Classics) de Lester Bangs,Greil Marcus Libros Gratis en EPUB

Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung - Serpent's Tail Books ~ Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung. Lester Bangs. The essential writings of the greatest music writer of the twentieth, or any, century, reissued as a Serpent's Tail Classic Paperback. 9781781252772 (4 Dec 2014) £10.99. eBook (ePUB/MOBI)? 9781847655585 (24 Oct 2013) £6.50. Add to Basket. Add to Wishlist; Add to .

Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung (Serpent's Tail ~ Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung was tough to read, I was lost pretty much of the chapters I read. I do know that Lester Bangs wrote some amazing pieces for Rolling Stone and new all the bands and songs. I think it's a GUYS book or Lester Bangs enthusiasts. He really was a brillant music reviewer in his time and quite genious.

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Serpents Tail Classics Books - Serpent's Tail Books ~ Serpent’s Tail Classics is a deliriously diverse selection of cult masterpieces that have changed the way we see the world. From Pedro Páramo’s Mexican ghost town to the isolated Japanese village of The Silent Cry, these books are a wild ride into the darker corners of the map.Whether it’s Albertine Sarrazin’s 60s tale of youthful rebellion Astragal, Lester Bangs’ missives from the .

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Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung by Lester Bangs ~ Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung is a particularly strange collection that was edited together and published. The editor admits from the on-set that most of Bangs popular pieces are not included here, leaving the reader to wonder what exactly they're in for in terms of reading.

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Book review: Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung ~ Psychotic Reactions is not for every reader — it is, after all, a collection of essays on music. Given its age, this collection is not just for aspiring music writers and vinyl collector-types .

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